Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 15, 2008 Fathers Day! My First!

Emily and Matt come down to Church at the hospital today with Jessica. They celebrated Fathers Day with us. Jesse was very cute looking around having a great time.

Rich with his Aunt Jessica looking over Jesse. "Leroy" the hounddog looks over Jesse from the right hand side.

I know it may not mean that much to all of you looking on who have oodles of kids, but after 48 years, this was my first fathers day. What a great day. What a great kid!

1 comment:

Abbie Nelson said...

I need to post more, because I check your site frequently, I even posted the Holland story on my website. It made me cry.

We are always rooting for you! Moroni saw Jesse's picture on the computer today and he asked who it was. I said...that's baby Jesse that we bless in our prayers, because he's sick.

He said..."He needs to go to the doctor...with his Mommy and Daddy"

I told them...he is, and they're taking great care of him. :)