Friday, June 13, 2008

6 month birthday!

Jesse is 6 months old today! It is great to see Rich's pictures. His camera is better than mine, but here are a few pictures I took. As you can tell, I look to see lots of pictures. Therefore, I will put more on for all of you to see.

This morning, I (Melanie) went up to visit as I do most mornings. Jesse was sleeping peacefully. He looks so sweet. I had to take a few pictures.

Jesse is wearing a headband over his eyes (like his Aunt Vickie) to help him sleep better.

JUNE 12, 2008
Last night (June 12), I went to visit Jesse and he was wide awake. It is always great to see him awake. Here are a few photos and even some videos of him looking around.

Look how big he is. Jesse weighs around 4 lbs right now.

His favorite cousin, Melanie, by his side.

Look at Jesse's beautiful brown eyes.

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