Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thanks to Matt for helping set up the blog for Jesse. Since the scares over the past weekend, Jesse has been doing progressively better, and we were able to usher in the 2008 New Year celebration in the hospital. Today, Jesse Caleb is 3 weeks old, and he looks so cute. His eyes now open, and if your lucky during a visit, he might just peep to check you out. We are praying that the hole in his lung closes, and that his heart will be made whole. He is losing some of his water weight that has been building up and very cute. Thanks for the people that have come and visited him during his stay. Love you all, and your prayers and fasting are truly helping.


Emily said...

glad to hear the he's doing well! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Laura said...

Rich & Amy, I am so glad to hear that Jesse is doing better!! I hadn't known about his lung, but I will definitely add that into my prayers for that to improve as well. Your family is never far from my thoughts and that I am with you in spirit praying for strength for everyone. (Your little munchkin especially) I love you all and hope to see you soon. Love, Laura

Trevor and Natalie said...

Thank you Rich for filling me in and allowing me to visit your little angel. His perfect little hands and feet are so cute. But I think my favorite thing about him is his adorable chin and mouth that just seems to be smiling...he must know how much he is loved. Sophia said the sweetest prayer for him the other night. We are all hoping for the best. He is a little fighter.

Unknown said...

All our love and prayers to you, Richard and Amy and your baby boy, Jesse Caleb!