Happy Easter faithful readers! Sorry it's been so long since we've updated. I've (Emily) been sick so I haven't gone and seen Jesse for about 2 months, Melanie is in Provo (while Jesse has been at Primary Childrens for the last few weeks), and Richard and Amy are busy taking care of this cute little boy. I just got back from the hospital and Jesse has gotten so much bigger (he's 2.8 lbs now!) and doing well. We are definitely on the "two steps forward and one step back" plan, with different little issues coming up, but all and all Jessie is doing amazing. Here are some pictures of this little guy....
Richard and Jesse
Happy Easter, Jesse!
When I walked into the room, Jesse was crying (a silent cry, but it made me cry), and Richard lifted the top of the incubator and put his hand on his head and talked to him, and Jesse stopped crying and went to sleep (which made me cry more!) Please keep this little guy (and his parents) in your thoughts and prayers.